Tense Table 2.0 - by Robby Cuthbert
(via beesandbombs)
Source: http://robbycuthbert.com/
fuckyeaharthropods: I had to wait a good while for the queen to fly off before I could get the pictures of the larvae. There were a few stressful moments when she would suddenly stop tending to her brood and just sit perfectly motionless watching me. Luckily I managed to get these shots without getting stung.
Are you going to New York’s brand new Museum of Math?
What to do there: http://tmout.us/gamg4
Source: http://timeout.com/newyork
Pythagorean Theorem
via xwidep
Source: http://ForGIFs.com
‘Ice’ was the piece in my last show in Birmingham. There is another one planned for this winter with some of the same group of very talented artists, as well as some fresh faces. Keep your eyes peeled for more info.
Photgraph by Stuart Beesley http://stuartbeesley.co.uk/